Assembly time – Books

Assembly time – Books

A teacher recently said that if there was one thing she loves above all else in her job, it’s when she sees her pupils develop a love of reading. A class assembly on books is the perfect way to celebrate these amazing objects that can have such a positive impact on our lives.


Our class read: In preparation you need to have read Ferdinand Forest and the pirate pickle to your class. Ask one group of volunteers to work on a presentation about the story. They will need to tell the assembly what the book is about and introduce the main characters but not give away the ending. The children could use the storytelling prompt cards to support their presentation.

The joy of reading: Ask another group of enthusiastic readers to prepare talk a about the wonder of books and why they enjoy reading. They could prepare simple posters with motivational quotes about books written by themselves or others. For example: You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book (Dr. Seuss). Alternatively, they could display and read out the quotes on the ‘NAME OF BOOK POSTERS’ resource. You could also ask staff to complete the ‘Teacher’s favourite book’ and ‘Make reading the norm – school’ resources in advance, so that you can refer to these in assembly and ask the children to look out for the posters around school.

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