Use this slideshow to help explain the art of Kamishibai theatre.
Talk through the events in Sports Day on Mount Olympus using this story map.
Talk through the events in Rosa's Code using this story map.
Look back at and look forward using this New Year printable.
Use this slideshow at the start of the year as a prompt for discussions on New Year celebrations.
A list of challenges that will help focus the readers in your class.
Talk through the events in The Christmas Wish using this story map.
An evil black liquid is stopping the sun from shining on Aliikai’s Kingdom of Pearls. She has to find a way to rid the sea
These words from the Tao and the Kingdom of Pearls are often misspelled.
Cut out the sentences and arrange the main events of Tao and the Kingdom of Pearls in the correct order.
Read through the 'Up above and down below' closing thought and talk about the ideas in it during your class or school assembly.
Use this activity sheet to help children devise their own questions in a class quiz on Tao and the Kingdom of Pearls.
Match the Tao and the Kingdom of Pearls character to their personality trait.
Help children to build up a fuller picture of the characters in Tao and the Kingdom of Pearls.
A treasure hunt maths activity. Use with the 'Spirals and pearls' maths lesson or use with your own maths sequencing activities.
Look at how colours can be linked to words and talk about the shades of meaning.
Use this story planner to help with story structure when writing or telling stories.
Sewing with embroidery silks onto felt gives great results for beginner sewing projects. Use the techniques demonstrated to create simple shell cushions.
Use this shell template for simple sewing projects. Children can cut out the shell shape, draw round it onto felt with a felt-tipped pen and cut
Use these 'Shell shape' templates for your concrete poetry writing.
Use our 'Sea words' resource sheet for looking at shades of meaning with words describing different kinds of waves.
A collection of poems all about the seaside from children’s writer Jenny Heap.
This activity sheet investigates how it is important to have your own ideas about stories.
Talk to the children about what could be happening in our Sea topic's story starter image. (Also, perfect for talking about scale.)
Investigate Peter Adderley's paintings, which are an idealised, stylised version of reality.
Help tell the tale of the plucky ducks with this slideshow.
Start your Plucky ducks lesson with the 'Plucky ducks, all at sea' poem or use as inspiration for your own poetry.
Use this activity sheet to help children have a better understanding of our ocean's currents.
Our ‘Duckumentary roles’ resource sheets give fictional accounts of the 'Plucky ducks' story from the points of view of some of the key players.
Put on some sea sounds and imagine you are sitting on a warm beach, far away. Close your eyes and listen to the sound of
Our image-only ‘Storytelling prompts’ for Tao and the Kingdom of Pearls are the perfect accompaniment to your storytelling lessons.
Our keyword ‘Storytelling prompts’ for Tao and the Kingdom of Pearls are the perfect accompaniment to your storytelling lessons.
These 'Storytelling prompts' for Tao and the Kingdom of Pearls come with keyword phrases from the story.
Reward your Early Years and KS1 storytellers with this Tao and the Kingdom of Pearls themed certificate.
Reward your KS2 storytellers with this Tao and the Kingdom of Pearls themed certificate.
Our 'Beach hut templates' are a great way to display your summer poetry.
This issue’s radio play All hands on deck, finds time traveller Amadeus Jones taking a trip to the 16th century where he meets Sir Walter Raleigh.
Discuss the different coastlines in this slideshow, each with its own inspiration for literacy.
Let’s look at what sinks and what floats in this great (wet play) activity.
Discuss the impact of oil spill disasters on our oceans and the wildlife that live there with our 'Oil spill disasters' resource sheet.
Our downloadable sea fact cards look at some of the animals featured in Tao and the Kingdom of Pearls and are a great starting point
Our text only downloadable fact cards look at some of the sea creatures featured in Tao and the Kingdom of Pearls and have plenty of
Our downloadable sea fact cards look at some of the sea creatures featured in Tao and the Kingdom of Pearls.
Our downloadable sea fact cards look at some of the animals featured in Tao and the Kingdom of Pearls. Children can use this template to
Investigate why the plucky ducks turned white with this investigation into what happens when you leave things in the sunshine.
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